Spirit Bond or Protective Spirit?
Which in your opinion is better? and why?
[card]Spirit Bond[/card]
Spirit Bond will heal you before you actually take the 60+ damage.
This skill will trigger if damage taken is above 60 before any damage reduction (such as from Protective Spirit or Reversal of Fortune) or any damage increase (such as from Frenzy, which must be used before Protective Spirit in order for it to be advantageous)
Bug! If Spirit Bond is renewed before it ends, the number of "charges" does not reset to 10.
[card]Protective Spirit[/card]
This skill is a popular way to counter spikes, but is useful in a wide variety of other situations.
This skill is the essential part of the invincimonk build that is popular for farming.
Although the description only mentions attacks and spells, Protective Spirit will also limit damage caused by skills such as signets and Vile Touch that are neither attacks nor spells (exception - Mandragor's Charge). However, life stealing will go right through this skill, as life stealing is not considered damage.
This skill synergizes well with Shield of Absorption
Heroes and henchmen use this skill as if it were a healing spell. While it is employed effectively most of the time, it is often wasted outside of combat.
I personally prefer SB after much testing, as there is less pressure on me to heal people if they are being spiked.